Running a business was never easy. In today’s economic conditions it can be downright difficult. You want professional and objective advice backed by practical assistance. And this is as important when a business is doing well as at any other time; it is then that problems may creep in. A good accountant can be a vital asset in making business decisions. We offer practical, jargon free assistance laced with a healthy dose of common sense that can help a business both tactically and strategically. Specific help can be given with matters that include:
Starting a new business: whether it is a brand new business, a subsidiary of an overseas entity, or if you are changing the structure (from a partnership to a limited company for instance) we can help smooth the path
Company secretarial: company formation must go over a variety of legal hurdles and you must be sure this is done thoroughly as a result of the right decisions about structure
Registered office: this is one specific legal requirement; again we can help and, if necessary, act as your registered office
Companies House: annual information must be filed in the right way, on time, and accurately and always done in a way that meets regulations; it is a chore, but we can ensure this is done cost and time efficiently
Corporation tax: the UK is acknowledged to have one of the most complicated corporate tax systems in the world. It overlaps with such areas as capital gains tax and inheritance tax thus making for greater complexity. For example (get ready for this): an asset or surplus funds in the wrong place could prejudice Business Asset Taper Relief for CGT or Business Property Relief for IHT. And yes: that’s jargon ridden, confusing and complicated – but we can guide you through such matters smoothly.
Our aim is to provide you with financial protection while ensuring that you meet all regulations and get no nasty surprises and unexpected tax bills. Whatever the nature of your business, large or small, we can take care of all such matters for you, leaving you free to concentrate on running it, growing it and making it profitable.
Berkeley Townsend. In changing times – a certain service: experienced, expert and efficient.