If you wish to operate with limited liability protection, the legal status of your business will either be a Limited Company or a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP).
Formation - Your business’ legal status is established by setting-up your company or LLP. Typically you will need the services of a company formation agent who will provide either an 'off the shelf' or 'ready made' solution for you. These solutions, while inexpensive, deal primarily with the relationship of your business with the outside world and will not necessarily be an ideal match with the requirements of you and your colleagues. Depending on the nature of those requirements, the 'off the shelf' solution can be amended to fit. In exceptional circumstances and more commonly with LLP’s, you may need to form a vehicle from scratch.
Registered Office - Every business in the UK operating with limited liability status is required to have a Registered Office. This is a formal address used for official communications, and is usually the address at which the Statutory documents relating to the company or limited liability partnership are kept.
Companies House - Whatever the legal status of your limited liability business, you will be required to file documents with the Registrar of Companies on an annual basis. There is an Annual Return detailing particulars of company ownership. Your accounts must be filed within defined time limits, and there are a host of ad hoc filings including appointment and resignation of company officers, special resolutions affecting the company’s memorandum and articles of association andthe issuing of debentures amongst others. It is vital that your records at Companies House are both accurate and complete.
Our Services - We offer a registered office facility to all our limited liability clients. This facility provides the business with its formal address, a repository for its statutory records and can include the appointment of a nominee company secretary – but most important, it ensures your statutory obligations are managed in a timely fashion.